Rehabilitation training

In our practice, you can work on your health and fitness under the guidance of our team of specialized physiotherapists and exercise scientists. Medical Training is part of your treatment.


The goal is optimal functional recovery, increasing the activity level. Good functioning is possible when there is a balance between the patient’s capacity and their daily demands. With medical training therapy, complaints related to posture, movement, and any limitations thereof can be addressed.


The training focuses on:

  • Coordination
  • Conditioning
  • Balance
  • Strength
  • Mobility


The training sessions are individually tailored, and a customized training schedule will be developed with you. The goal you set with your therapist will be regularly assessed and adjusted as needed. At the end of your training program, an evaluation will be conducted to determine if you have achieved your goal. The duration of the training program depends on the condition and can range from several weeks to several months, which will be discussed with your therapist beforehand. This ensures that you can engage in safe movement and that it remains challenging for you.

Fysiotherapie Medi-Mere offers the following rehabilitation training programs:

Orthopedic rehabilitation:
Training after surgeries on muscles and joints.


Sports rehabilitation:
Training after sports injuries.


Oncological rehabilitation:
Training during and after oncological treatment.


Neurological rehabilitation:
Training for neurological conditions.


Pulmonary rehabilitation:
Training for lung conditions.


Supervised walking training:
Training for vascular issues, Claudication.


In Almere Muziekwijk and Almere Poort, you will train in our own Physiotherapy exercise room.


In Almere Buiten, we can utilize the fitness area at “Van de Kamp Sport” located at Edvard Munchweg 23.

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